Monday, October 18, 2010


Yippee for me!  I lost three pounds last week!  Things are fitting better!!  That's the good news.  Now for the bad......

Rob and I are leaving town Wednesday afternoon through Sunday afternoon.  And....this part is sorta kept quietly....we're riding the Harley to a Christian Motorcycle Association rally in Arkansas.  And we're camping.  So, there will be no hotel pool to swim laps, no treadmills or weight rooms, and I'll be lucky to have one pair of tennis shoes along.  Needless to say I am worried about my progress.  My realistic goal is to stay at 155 and not gain anything back.  My happy goal would be to lose a pound or two this week despite the traveling.  Any advice??

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Dawn. So exciting to see progress! And the trip sounds awesome! Now here's the chance to practice outdoor living, which is a much healthier lifestyle than desk dwelling.

    You have the opportunity to just be a stress-free you. You don't need pools and weight rooms to exercise. You have God's amazing planet, natural food gifts, and Christian people to surround you with energy. Use these like Get Out of Jail Free cards to break your regularly scheduled life habits that get you into trouble. No need to stare at a candy drawer for 4 days!

    Instead, move around freely, bending down to pick up kindling (quads, gluts), move gear (abs, biceps and deltoids), sit tall when riding (abs and back). In other words, intentionally move and find your strength in basic function.

    Control portions using logic and feelings of satiety. Snack when needed as you might be expending more calories than you realize by doing something out of the norm. I'd recommend watching the processed sugar, as that can be a set up for overeating a short while later. Try natural sugars like fruit, or continue to take small bites of chocolate like you've been doing if the urge is strong.

    This summer we took a boat trip up the IL river to Michigan. For 3 days I had limited access to land, so I used the time to stay active, bringing Cap't Alan his meals, locking thru the dams, tying ropes and bumpers, and photographing river life. I lost several pounds in a very short time by replacing my laptop habits with actual life. (This is why Gilligan as first mate was skinny and the cap't was not:)

    I'll pray for a successful, safe, and healthy trip too.
